In the newest video of The Factual Feminist series, Christina H. Sommers discusses GamerGate and the reactions to her previous video from both sides of the aisle. While she touches on several important points, one that stands out is her mention that the very same people who stood against claims made by the socially conservative right that games caused violence are now giving a free pass to similar accusations. Quoting Sommers:
"Writers at popular game websites like Kotaku and Polygon, they did a good job defending video games from the false charge that they foster violence. But when gender activists came along, accusing games of creating misogyny, these journalists eagerly jumped on the bandwagon."
As Sommers points out, she received harsh criticism for her previous video, some from those very publications. It does beg the question however: How can games cause sexism but not cause violence? What is it that makes sexist ideals conveyable through a game, but not allow violent urges to be instilled? These are complex questions, and perhaps can only truly be answered someplace like Twitter.
This has been an analysis of a current event